Are you looking for deeper, more refreshing sleep, better mental clarity, more energy to do the things you love, more flexibility in your relationships, or relief from chronic pain? LENS Neurofeedback is brain wave biofeedback therapy that works by enhancing the brain's flexibility, stability, and self regulation. It can help the brain "reboot" itself, and restore optimal functioning.
A non-invasive therapy that has been practiced since the 1960’s, LENS Neurofeedback is a drug free treatment for:
Mental clarity
Traumatic Brain Injury
Chronic Pain
Athletic performance, timing, and coordination.
Want to learn more? Research articles about Neurofeedback can be found HERE and HERE and HERE
Because the brain responds best to neurofeedback when done in regular, weekly sessions, we have a waitlist for new neurofeedback patients. Please request ‘new neurofeedback appointment’ and you will be sent a referral form to fill out. We will contact you as soon as the calendar allows. Thank you for your understanding.