Tapping for Grace

Tap along to the video HERE

Top of head

I open myself to higher inspiration

3rd eye point

I am hopeful, vital, and fully alive

Sides of eyes

I assert myself peacefully, transforming all anger and resentment

Under eyes

I trust in the process of life

Side of nares/nose

I let go of all anger, fear, guilt, shame and blame

Upper lip

I am grounded in gratitude

Under lip/Chin

And centered in spirit


My immune system is strong and healthy. 

My cells and energetic boundaries know what is me and what is good for me

Under the clavicles

I move forward with courage, with grace, with ease and delight

Rib Cage

I nourish myself with kindness, tenderness and fierce compassion


I let go of any ancestral fear that comes from my lineage

Hey hi hi

Wrists (Pericardium channel)

I take care of my heart and my hands, so I may be of the greatest service to the whole. 

Pinky side of wrists (Heart channel)

I fully, deeply, and completely love and accept all parts of myself. 

Thumbs (Lung channel)

I breath in pure, clear qi, releasing stale, stagnant qi. 

Pinky sides of hands

I am decisive. I know what I want. 

Har, har, har, har, har, har

Cupping hand as the blessings overflow. Bring up and over the crown, letting the blessings cascade down over you in a waterfall. 

Squeeze and/or tap all over the body saying thank you to yourself, your body, and your life.